GIT Illustrated Cheatsheet ************************** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 GIT Model ========= .. figure:: diagrams/svg/object-overview.svg :align: center :class: centered :width: 100% Object & SHA1 ------------- - Each object has a **type**, a **size** and a **content** - Each object is identified by a 40-digit SHA1 hash of attributes - 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 - Each SHA1 can be shortened to the first digits - 6ff87c4664981e4397625 - 6ff87c4 - Object type can be **blob**, **tree**, **commit** or **tag** Blob ---- .. figure:: diagrams/svg/object-blob.svg :align: center :class: centered :width: 250px - Used to store file data - Same content = same SHA1 = same blob - See it as a file Tree ---- .. figure:: diagrams/svg/object-tree.svg :align: center :class: centered :width: 250px - Associate names to blobs and other trees - See it as a directory Commit ------ .. figure:: diagrams/svg/object-commit.svg :align: center :class: centered :width: 250px - Used to snapshot a tree state - Has **tree**, **parent(s)**, **author**, **commiter** and **comment** attributes - Not the same as SVN ones: - SVN store diffs - GIT store full state Tags ---- .. figure:: diagrams/svg/object-tag.svg :align: center :class: centered :width: 250px - Reference an object - Has **object**, **type**, **tagger** and **comment** attributes. - Not used for lightweight tags - Simple pointer on a commit (like branches) Branch ------ .. figure:: diagrams/svg/object-branch.svg :align: center :class: centered :height: 250px - A branch is simply a pointer to a certain commit. - A branch is not aa GIT object (no SHA1) Basic operations ================ Configuration ------------- Set your name and email:: $ git config --global "Me" $ git config --global "" Display your config:: $ git config --global $ git config --local # in a repository Staging ------- Stage your changes:: # Add to index / stage $ git add file.txt # Add all modified and new files (tracked or not) to index $ git add -A # Partial staging $ git add -p file.txt Commit ------ Create a commit into the current branch:: # Commit from index $ git commit # Commit from tracked file list $ git commit file1.txt file2.txt # All modified tracked files $ git commit -a # Commit from pattern $ git commit **/*.py See your repository ------------------- See the current status:: $ git status Retrieve your history:: # Log intégral $ git log # 5 dernier commits $ git log -5 # Diff between two branches $ git log origin/master..master Stash ----- Discard your changes for later:: # Create a stash $ git stash # list stashes $ git stash list # Apply a stash $ git stash apply # Apply a stash and drop it $ git stash pop # Clear your stashes $ git stash clear Undoing ------- Revert back changes:: # Reverse commit $ git revert {SHA1} # Amend commit $ git commit --amend # Uncommit $ git reset --mixed HEAD file # Discard changes $ git checkout file # Reset branch to a given state $ git reset --hard ref Branching and merging ===================== Create a branch --------------- :: $ git branch feature # Create the branch $ git checkout feature # Switch to the new branch # or in a single command $ git checkout -b feature .. figure:: diagrams/svg/git-branch-create.svg :height: 300px :align: center :class: centered Branche diverging ----------------- Branches diverge when they have different commits .. figure:: diagrams/svg/git-branch-diverge.svg :height: 300px :align: center :class: centered Merge ----- Create a merge commit and keep your branch history:: $ git merge feature .. figure:: diagrams/svg/git-branch-merge.svg :height: 350px :align: center :class: centered Rebase ------ Re-apply your commits and keeps your history linear:: $ git rebase master # or interactive version $ git rebase -i master .. figure:: diagrams/svg/git-branch-rebase.svg :height: 350px :align: center :class: centered Cherry Pick ----------- Pick a commit an apply it in the current branch as a new commit:: $ git cherry-pick {SHA1} .. figure:: diagrams/svg/git-cherry-pick.svg :height: 350px :align: center :class: centered Working with remote repositories ================================ - It's only branches - Repository synchronization operations:: $ git fetch $ git push $ git pull # fetch + merge $ git pull --rebase # fetch + rebase .. figure:: diagrams/svg/git-flows.svg :width: 100% :align: center :class: centered Add a remote ------------ :: git remote add origin git://somewhere.git git fetch .. figure:: diagrams/svg/git-remote.svg :height: 350px :align: center :class: centered Diverging with remote --------------------- It's just more branches ! .. figure:: diagrams/svg/git-branch-diverge-remote.svg :height: 350px :align: center :class: centered Sample workflows ================ TODO ~/.gitconfig ============ Tune your ``~/.gitconfig`` for comfort ! .. code-block:: ini [alias] st = status ci = commit co = checkout br = branch amend = commit --amend rlog = log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate plog = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative unadd = reset --mixed HEAD uncommit = reset --soft HEAD^ [color] branch = auto diff = auto interactive = auto status = auto Visual Tools ============ - Windows - `Tortoise GIT`_ - `Git Extensions`_ - Mac OSX - `GitX`_ - `Tower`_ - Linux - `gitg`_ - `Giggle`_ - Multiplaform - `SmartGit`_ IDE Integration =============== - *Eclipse*: `EGit`_ - *IntelliJ*: `Version Control Systems Integration`_ - *netbean*: `GIT Support`_ References ========== - `Git Community Book`_ - `Pro GIT`_ - `Github documentation`_ .. _`Git Community Book`: .. _`Pro GIT`: .. _`Github documentation`: .. _`Git Extensions`: .. _`Tortoise GIT`: .. _`SmartGit`: .. _`GitX`: .. _`Tower`: .. _`gitg`: .. _`giggle`: .. _`EGit`: .. _`Version Control Systems Integration`: .. _`GIT Support`: